We are Officina Meccanica del Cesano, a company from Marche, Italy who produce bodies for saw blades from over 30 years. Thanks to the laser cutting technology we can make saw profiles of every kind with first choice materials, with diameters up to 600 mm. The drawings can be made by us, thanks to our experience we can satisfy every need, or we can use the drawings of the client for the maximum freedom possible. The bodies are then worked to obtain the best characteristic as a high-quality product demanded.

In our workshop you can find all the best machines to produce a body: 2 Laser cutting machines, 4 grinding machines of which one completely automatic, 2 straightening machines, some machines for controlling the tensions of the body, a oven for the tempering and all the tools to have the best quality control over our products. Our goal is always the search for the best quality, with great care from all our employees.

We are available to provide samples of our work to evaluate in first person our quality.

For every request feel free to contact us, in the hope of a future collaboration.